The Liberals Have Turned the Ocean Into a Woke Nightmare

Ken Taro
3 min readJul 27, 2024

They won’t stop until equity or Equifax or whatever ruins the world.

Coral reef
Photo by QUI NGUYEN on Unsplash

Globalist Marxists. Communists. George Soros. Antifa. The WNBA. These are all things that you will find lurking in the world’s oceans, and they’re all looking for their next victims — you!

While these socialist commies pointlessly work to make the oceans physically garbage-free, they continue to groom the youngsters by polluting the waters with their trash ideologies. “Science” is going around telling everyone that male seahorses get pregnant and give birth. Thanks Greenpeace!

And what, of course, did the “biologists” name the animal with the worst reputation in the world? The great, WHITE shark. Apparently it’s practically a crime to be an apex predator or a bigoted White dude.

Even transgenderism has dipped its toes into the ocean. I mean, come on, what are you doing Asian Sheepshead wrasse? Breathe through your mouth or breathe through your gills, sure, that’s a good question. But you can’t tell your gender by looking at what’s between your fins?

“There’s plenty of fish in the sea.” Good Lord, THERE’S another snowflake motto that should be a tramp stamp. Quit babying them. It should be, “There’s plenty of fish in the sea, but 99.5% of them suck, and you’re better than all of…



Ken Taro

Writer, satirist, and humorist. You can find my best work on my mom’s refrigerator.